북한 김일성 추모기간 때 장사가 금지된 가게들 / During the period of mourning for Kim Il-sung in North Korea, businesses where sales are prohibited. / 在朝鲜为金日成举行哀悼期间,禁止销售的商店。/ 北朝鮮における金日成の追悼期間中、販売が禁止されている店舗。
2023년 11월 21일
조회수: 55
북한 김일성 추모기간 때 장사가 금지된 가게들 / During the period of mourning for Kim Il-sung in North Korea, businesses where sales are prohibited. / 在朝鲜为金日成举行哀悼期间,禁止销售的商店。/ 北朝鮮における金日成の追悼期間中、販売が禁止されている店舗。
During the period of mourning for Kim Il-sung in North Korea, businesses where sales are prohibited.

SNS 레시피 AI 멘트(SNS Recipe AI Comment|SNS 食谱 AI 评论|SNS レシピ AI コメント):
“김일성 추모기간에는 판매 금지된 가게들, 그래서 사람들은 뭐 먹고 살지?” / “During the mourning period for Kim Il-sung, businesses where sales are prohibited. So, what do people eat and survive on?” / “在金日成追悼期间,禁止销售的商店。那人们吃什么生存呢?” / “金日成の追悼期間中、販売が禁止されている店舗。だから、人々は何を食べて生き延びるの?”