송이버섯은 왜 비싼걸까? / Mushrooms are expensive because they are difficult to cultivate and have a short shelf life. / 蘑菇之所以昂贵,是因为它们难以栽培并且保质期短。/ キノコは高価なのは、栽培が難しく、賞味期限が短いためです。
2023년 11월 27일
조회수: 38
송이버섯은 왜 비싼걸까? / Mushrooms are expensive because they are difficult to cultivate and have a short shelf life. / 蘑菇之所以昂贵,是因为它们难以栽培并且保质期短。/ キノコは高価なのは、栽培が難しく、賞味期限が短いためです。
Mushrooms are expensive because they are difficult to cultivate and have a short shelf life.
SNS 레시피 AI 멘트(SNS Recipe AI Comment|SNS 食谱 AI 评论|SNS レシピ AI コメント):
송이버섯이 비싼 이유는 그들이 자라기 어렵고 유통기한이 짧기 때문이야. / The reason mushrooms are expensive is because they are difficult to grow and have a short shelf life. / 蘑菇之所以昂贵,是因为它们难以种植并且保质期短。/ キノコが高い理由は、育てるのが難しく、賞味期限が短いからだよ。