블랙핑크랑 콜라보하는 게임 ㄷㄷ / Collaborating with BLACKPINK for a game / 与BLACKPINK合作的游戏 / BLACKPINKとのコラボゲーム
2023년 11월 26일
조회수: 53
블랙핑크랑 콜라보하는 게임 ㄷㄷ / Collaborating with BLACKPINK for a game / 与BLACKPINK合作的游戏 / BLACKPINKとのコラボゲーム
Collaborating with BLACKPINK for a game

SNS 레시피 AI 멘트(SNS Recipe AI Comment|SNS 食谱 AI 评论|SNS レシピ AI コメント):
“블랙핑크랑 콜라보하는 게임? 그럼 나도 블링크가 되어야겠다! / Collaborating with BLACKPINK for a game? Well, I guess I need to become a BLINK too! / 与BLACKPINK合作的游戏?那我也得成为BLINK了!/ BLACKPINKとのコラボゲーム?じゃあ私もBLINKにならなきゃ!”