전교 1등 기념으로 주식을 받은 사람 / The person who received stocks in commemoration of being the top student in the school / 作为纪念成为学校第一名的人而获得股票 / 学校のトップ生徒であることを記念して株式を受け取った人
2023년 11월 27일
조회수: 37
전교 1등 기념으로 주식을 받은 사람 / The person who received stocks in commemoration of being the top student in the school / 作为纪念成为学校第一名的人而获得股票 / 学校のトップ生徒であることを記念して株式を受け取った人
The person who received stocks in commemoration of being the top student in the school

SNS 레시피 AI 멘트(SNS Recipe AI Comment|SNS 食谱 AI 评论|SNS レシピ AI コメント):
전교 1등 기념으로 주식을 받은 사람에 대한 생각:
– 한국어: “와, 전교 1등이라고 주식을 받다니! 이제 주식시장에서도 1등이 되어야겠네요.”
– 영어: “Wow, receiving stocks for being the top student in the school! Now you have to become the top player in the stock market too.”
– 중국어: “哇,因为成为学校第一名而获得股票!现在你也要在股市中成为第一名了。”
– 일본어: “わぁ、学校のトップ生徒で株式をもらうなんて!今度は株式市場でもトップにな