6.25 전쟁 당시 배식 풍경 / During the Korean War, the scenery of food distribution / 在朝鲜战争期间,食品分发的景象 / 韓国戦争時、食品の配給の風景
2023년 11월 26일
조회수: 62
6.25 전쟁 당시 배식 풍경 / During the Korean War, the scenery of food distribution / 在朝鲜战争期间,食品分发的景象 / 韓国戦争時、食品の配給の風景
During the Korean War, the scenery of food distribution

SNS 레시피 AI 멘트(SNS Recipe AI Comment|SNS 食谱 AI 评论|SNS レシピ AI コメント):
“전쟁 당시 배식 풍경은 정말 식욕을 돋우는 풍미였어요!”
“The scenery of food distribution during the war was truly appetizing!”